Feb 24th, 2005
I just released WebShare! It's sending files made easy. Or something like that.
Click here to get it.
Pennock's Photo Renamer v1.0-1
24 FEB 2009 -
Yeah, yeah, I'm still alive. I've been extremely busy with my work these past few years and although I never stopped writing
programs "just for fun", I never got around to actually releasing them. Well, I have slightly more time now (thanks to this
crazy crisis thing going on) so whenever I do have a few minutes to spare, I'll see if I can release some of the software
I have been writing. First up: WebShare.
You know the problem. You have a few files you want to send to someone, but they are either too big to send through email, or MSN/Skype/AIM or whatever
messenger you are using is just to darn slow - if it works at all. The problem is that most people are behind network routers nowadays which
have built in firewalls blocking all kinds of ports needed for a reliable file transfer to work. Besides that, both parties need to have the same
software running for the file transfer (when not using email). So if one has MSN and the other Skype, you are out of luck.
Bring in the cavalry WebShare. WebShare is a small webserver-like program you can run to share files with others. Other people don't
need special software, just their web browser. You start WebShare, then drag and drop the files/folders/drives you wish to share and send a link to the other
party. He or she can then simply download the files through their browser. It's as simple as that. WebShare will setup your router for you, figure out what
your true IP address is (most of the time your computer has an IP address that's local to your network which is not the same as the IP address through which
others can reach you over the internet) and will even clean up after itself when you are done sharing your files. You can even password protect the files.
And the best thing is that it's free. 

You can get Webshare here (Win98/Win98SE/Win2000/XP/Vista).
20 DEC 2005 -
Today++ is now in Beta! Today++ is a Today screen plugin for your Pocket PC/Windows Mobile
based PDA and will be commerically available somewhere in 2006. I started this project quite some
time ago but - due to the birth of my daughter - didn't have the time to continue working on it. My
daughter is now almost 2 years old so I am finally starting to get some time again. 
For more information, click here.
13 MAY 2004 -
I just released Pennock's Photo Renamer v1.0-1 as freeware!
PPR is a simple yet effective program for renaming large amounts of
image files - like those from digital cameras - in one go from their native
names like "DSCNxxxx.jpg" to something more understandable, like
To download PPR, please visit the Products page.
19 MAR 2004 -
I don't know about you, but one of the things I use my iPAQ for is
playing MP3s in my car. I wasn't really happy with the default WMP (Windows Media Player)
skin, or any other available skin for that matter, because of the
tiny buttons used. This made operating WMP in my car quite dangerous.
So I created my own. 
You can download this skin here.
To install:
- Unzip the downloaded file (Pas.zip) to a folder somewhere on your PC. This will
create a subfolder called "Pas".
- Copy the entire folder (so not only the contents, but the entire folder) to
"\Program Files\Windows Media Player\" on your Pocket PC. If WMP resides in a different
location on your PPC, then copy the Pas folder to that folder instead (of course).
- Start WMP, and choose the "Pennock Audio System" skin from "Tools -> Settings -> Skin Chooser".
10 FEB 2004 -
PEN v1.2-1 Available! Click here
for more information!
25 NOV 2003 - I've just released
Pennock's GPS Viewer as freeware! Check it out on the
products page!
11 NOV 2003 - Well, I finally got around
to updating my website. Not everything works yet. In fact, most links will
lead you to the great nothingness in cyberspace. But I'm working on it
and it shouldn't be long before this site is fully functional.
I quit my previous business due to health reasons,
and have returned to what I do best; writing nice little programs!
I work from home now, which is a good thing because in about 5 months time
I probably won't be able to leave home at all since my wife and I are
expecting a little Pennock! Innit cool? 
Over the years, I've written a lot of programs - mostly as study projects.
I've decided to tidy up these programs and make them available to the public.
Most of them will be freeware (but feel free to make a donation if you like
them) and a few have already been turned into commercial products. I will
be slowly adding them to the Products page.
About a month ago I got myself an iPAQ PocketPC from eBay and I absolutely
love the thing! Of course I couldn't help myself writing a game for it.
I chose to write a PocketPC port of the old C64 game "Atomix". It's now available
as freeware. Check out the Products page and download it now!
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email!